Jessica Thompson Jessica Thompson

Procell Therapies

Microchanneling works because it stimulates the skin's outer layer, sending signals to the skin's collagen producers that reactivate them - within a few treatments, these collagen generators are working as well, if not better than they did before.

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Jessica Thompson Jessica Thompson

Inkless Stretch Mark REvision

ISR is a permanent way to cover over stubborn stretch marks. It awakens the skin's self-healing abilities to make the skin where you have the stretch marks appear like the rest of the skin. This means that, unlike regular pigment tattoos, you don't need to be concerned with changes in the appearance of the skin as ISR adapts to the skin, making it more natural appearing.

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Jessica Thompson Jessica Thompson

The Benefits of Permanent Makeup

Save Time in the Morning: Perhaps the most obvious benefit of permanent makeup is that it can save you time in the morning. If you're someone who typically spends a lot of time doing your makeup every day, imagine being able to wake up and not have to worry about it! Permanent makeup can give you back that precious time in the morning so you can hit the snooze button one extra time or enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee.

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Jessica Thompson Jessica Thompson

Lip Blushing: The Permanent Makeup Trend Taking Over Instagram

Lip blushing is a form of permanent makeup that uses a semi permanent tattoo ink (meant to fade over time) to tint your lips. The result is a softer, more youthful-looking version of your natural lip color. Lip blushing can also be used to correct uneven pigmentation, giving you a more uniform lip color.

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Jessica Thompson Jessica Thompson

What Is permanent makeup

Everything You Need to Know About Permanent Makeup

Whether you’re considering your first tattoo or are simply curious about the process, you’ve probably heard of permanent makeup. Permanent makeup, also known as cosmetic tattooing, is a popular beauty treatment that involves tattooing pigment into the skin to achieve the look of conventional makeup.

Permanent makeup can be used for a variety of purposes, including enhancing or reshaping eyebrows, lips, and eyeliner. It can also be used to correct uneven pigmentation, scars, and vitiligo. If you’re thinking about getting permanent makeup, it’s important to understand the risks and benefits of the procedure.

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